Togetherness and Separation
Some days ago, I read a beautiful quote 'Airports have seen more sincere kisses than wedding halls and hospitals have heard more prayers than churches.' Indeed this was so true. The mere thought of getting separated from your loved ones sends a chill down your spine. On Airports and similar places like that, people bid goodbye to their loved ones but internally they feel emotional. They want to postpone their farewell. Similarly, hospitals have seen so many people die and so many people pray for the betterment of their loved ones. The entire human life is based on attachment to the others. We have blood relations and other relations. We have friends and a life partner. It is the beauty of human life to form relationships with people that last a lifetime. A true affection between two or more people based on unconditional love. This love is so difficult to find these days when technology has made the world small but indeed it has deteriorated human relations. ...