The beautiful and natural process of a baby taking birth can be termed as magical or miraculous. A child is born and raised by the mother and in that process, the child learns to speak his/her mother tongue. He/she learns and imitates the surrounding people. After some years, his parents keep him in a playschool and ultimately in a school. The process of going to a school and learning something creates an impact on the child’s mind. Throughout his childhood, he keeps on learning and imbibing thoughts that his parents and teachers have taught him. After some years, a child transforms into an adolescent and undergoes body as well as hormonal transformations. He starts developing feeling for the opposite sex or preferably even his own sex. This is the age which makes the teen most vulnerable, the age of 12-16 years. We also see the teen distancing himself from his parents at this age. This is because he favors his friends at this age. Thus, he needs a parent to be a friend at this a...