The state of being happily single
Singlehood can be generally painstaking for a person who is constantly lectured by the society on the importance of coupledom. It can be depressing to see other people holding hands, whispering to each other, and enjoying the company of their other half while not being able to experience it themselves. I see that many of my close friends have already been in a relationship earlier or are in one presently. I observe that many of these relationships happened because the parties involved were subconsciously afraid or terrified of being lonely. Even though, the couple were a terrible match, they decided to give it a shot because of their bodily needs and fear of ending up alone. Others were a great match but didn’t have the maturity required to sustain a relationship. A few others grew out of love or had external circumstances dictate terms. While I am not saying that relationships formed during teenage and early adulthood don’t survive the test of time, but it is the society’s brainwash...