Life is a Celebration
So, you had just had a bad day at the office and you are preparing to go home. At home, you meet your wife and start complaining to her about stuff that went wrong at the office today. But guess what? She is in no mood to listen to any of that as she herself has had a terrible day at her workplace. So, you realize that you can’t do much about this fact and put a smile on your face and help her out in the kitchen. You dine together after a while and catch up later. You finally talk and communicate to each other about your respective days. You both realize that life is much more about complaining and lashing out at each other. So, whenever you feel down and sad and depressed about stuff that is going on with you in your life, Breathe, sit back and Relax! Not everything that you wish goes according to plan. So, today by listing out points I am going to be reminding you about the fact that Life is worth living and Life, in essence, is a Celebration. Stay Detoxified: Stay away f...