
Traditional and Liberal ideas of Relationships

Traditionality is generally considered ideas which are right leaning on the political spectrum. It is the set of values and ethics that have been prevalent in society for decades and centuries. Since man is a social animal, he must follow some of these principles if he wants to be a reputed member of the society. In countries like India and China, eastern philosophy of collectivism thrived throughout history. These cultures put an emphasis on developing together as a family and society. Thus, the elder members of the family always imbibed the cultural values in the young. Also, men and women in these societies were restricted to gender roles such as to earn a livelihood as a man and taking care of the children as a woman. However, starting from the late 20 th century these eastern philosophies moderated their stance on the treatment of women and started giving them more educational and employment opportunities. On the contrary, Liberalism stemmed from Western democratic nations. These

Taking responsibility and finding purpose

More than two years have gone since I came to Germany. It feels like I am living my dream life. I recently finished my studies and started working full-time at a multi-national company. I am being paid well and have enough time outside of work to explore my hobbies. I have been hiking, traveling, going to book clubs and poetry events, meeting new people and exploring spirituality. Never in my life have I been more spiritually inclined than right now. The Bhagwat Geeta gives me mental strength, humility and guidance to live my life. I have realized why Indian people turn to God when they live outside of India. They frequently engage in festivities, Indian gatherings and Bhajan Kirtan events. In short, they want to feel close to Indian culture and Indian people when they live outside. Part of the reason is also because life in Western countries tends to be lonesome and hyper individualistic. Most people do not have anyone whom they can trust outside of their spouse and children. This i

Sexual Desire in men and women

Disclaimer: This article has generalized some traits of men and women’s sexual nature; however, it doesn’t mean that all men and women act in this way. Read on more to find out! From a masculine perspective, testosterone plays a huge role in how a man’s body and mind function. It is the hormone which develops traits like a deeper voice, a physically strong body, rational thinking (as opposed to emotional thinking) and disagreeableness in a man. It is the same hormone responsible for sexual desire in them. A woman’s sexual desire is more mental. A man’s sexual desire is more physical. It means a woman generally needs a lot more time and effort to get turned on. She must feel very safe, secure and be in the right mood and should be with the right person at the right time to think of having sex for the first time with a new person. This contrasts with how a man acts if he sees the opportunity to have sex. In other words, women are very picky when it comes to choosing a sexual partner.

The loneliness issue

  “Loneliness” is the sadness that a human being experiences when he or she doesn’t have friends or company. Socially, all human beings are hardwired to interact with other humans. Evolutionarily, our ancestors used groups or company as a means of survival. A lack of group meant that the individual had to survive alone and thus, was in more danger of getting killed. As a result, our ancestors had no choice but to stay in groups and survive. What if I told you that loneliness is a universal experience and that all humans, regardless of their status, power, money, health, looks, or careers have gone through a bout of loneliness. If you are feeling lonely, it doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you apparently. It is not a mental health issue however, longer periods of it can lead to social isolation which can result into serious mental health related problems. Even with all the technological advancements and social media, our biological needs are very basic and common. We cannot

The perks of living in a foreign country

E very place has a different vibe associated with it. Its as if like that vibe is not available anywhere else in the world. Moving from my home state Gujarat to a city in Haryana, Gurugram for work, the culture changed. Back in my state, alcoholic drinks were banned for human consumption. Here, the party culture was pre-eminent. People of Gurugram used to consume a lot of alcohol in parties on weekends and public holidays. Every Saturday night held a special place in the heart of a person staying in Gurugram. In essence, the night life of the city was something to adore even for a person who didn’t drink or smoke. I embraced this culture and enjoyed my limited stay there. Personally, the struggles associated with living a nuclear life had always daunted me. When I was 18, I left my home for the first time to study and obtain a bachelor's degree. I was about to stay at a hostel with a bunch of unknown people. I remember that when my family came to drop me to the hostel, I cried. I

The state of being happily single

Singlehood can be generally painstaking for a person who is constantly lectured by the society on the importance of coupledom. It can be depressing to see other people holding hands, whispering to each other, and enjoying the company of their other half while not being able to experience it themselves. I see that many of my close friends have already been in a relationship earlier or are in one presently. I observe that many of these relationships happened because the parties involved were subconsciously afraid or terrified of being lonely. Even though, the couple were a terrible match, they decided to give it a shot because of their bodily needs and fear of ending up alone. Others were a great match but didn’t have the maturity required to sustain a relationship. A few others grew out of love or had external circumstances dictate terms. While I am not saying that relationships formed during teenage and early adulthood don’t survive the test of time, but it is the society’s brainwash

Purpose of Life

Concepts like Purpose, Passion and Drive have been occupying my mind lately. I cast my mind back to when I was younger. I remember that my father gave me a CD titled “the secret” which is a world-renowned documentary with real incidents of ordinary people describing the power of the mind. I recall that this is my first ever encounter with the word “Purpose”. As a teenager, the purpose of my life was simple – to get good grades in studies. I remember a time when in one of the clips in the film, a person mentioned that by manipulating the mind we could achieve what we desire (in my case it was getting good grades) even without having to put in the hard work. I thought to try it for once and see if it worked. So, before my difficult English exam, I decided that instead of focusing on studies, I would train my mind. The result was that I recorded my lowest exam score ever. Some years later, I realized that perhaps, I was too naïve to understand the contents of the documentary. Years went b