The Power of Communication

So, in the modern world with increasing urbanization and westernization, we can tend to be over-ambitious and at times, neglect some things which might be as important as our career and goals.

So, in a similar urban setup, one husband failed to tell his wife about her workaholic attitude that was causing him problems. He, to an extent, even thought of separating from his wife in his mind. He realized that the damage was irreparable and hence, went down a deep swirling spiral where he was confused, anxious and worried about his marriage. This can be the story of any 30-something individual regardless of gender and geography.

So, today I will list out a few aspects of life where the Power of Communication can go a long way in ensuring that we live a better version of ourselves every day and improve our relationships with our spouses, colleagues, friends and family members.
  1. Overcoming Depression and Anxiety: My friend was faced with a very critical situation of facing her grandfather’s demise at a young age. Although she was not as much attached to him, we all know the grief and pain the death of our loved ones accompanies us with. So, this incident left her depressed for at least a couple of months before she realized that something wasn’t right with her mind. She decided to tell her parents and friends about the stuff that was wrong and also appointed a counselor for the purpose. As a result, the communication with her loved ones ensured that she was saved from a serious mental health issue.
  2. Marriage and Relationships: Need I say more? The example mentioned above clearly indicates that if the husband would have communicated with his wife about her attitude towards him, things could have different and marriage could have been saved altogether. That is where, we as individuals have failed to address small issues with our partners in the pretext that they ultimately love us. Those small issues might sometimes become big and can hurt both the people in the long run. Better late than never!
  3. Public Speaking: I don’t necessarily mean to go on a stage and let your emotions out in front of a big crowd. Instead, voicing your opinions and thoughts about a particular matter with your colleagues and friends can go a long way in ensuring that you hold a decent image in the public’s mind. Besides, it is important for your own self confidence as well. 
  4. Career: Once again, voicing out your ideas in a particular matter or giving your inputs to your team about a project can ensure that you have a good professional image and stay above the rest; but it doesn’t mean letting others down. Communication with your team members can lead to constructive criticism and overall growth and development of all.


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